Introduction The world is about to witness Nicolas Cage in yet another gripping, intense performance! Arcadian, an apocalyptic thriller from director Benjamin Brewer, sees Cage playing...
Introduction Fans of classic literature and period dramas have been eagerly awaiting the release of “Le Comte de Monte-Cristo,” a new adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’ famous...
Borderlands is one of the most highly anticipated video game adaptations coming to the big screen in 2024. Based on the popular looter shooter series from...
Introduction Daddio is an upcoming 2024 American drama film directed by Christy Hall and starring Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn. It centers around a woman who...
Asphalt City is an upcoming American drama thriller film directed by Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire and written by Ben Mac Brown, Shannon Burke, and Ryan King. The film...
Introduction The Spiderwick Chronicles is an upcoming fantasy television series based on the popular children’s book series of the same name by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly...
Boy Kills World is an upcoming dystopian action thriller film directed by Moritz Mohr. The film follows a young deaf boy who seeks revenge after his...
Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 is an upcoming American epic Western drama film directed by Kevin Costner. It is the first chapter in the...
Love Lies Bleeding is an upcoming 2024 film directed by Rose Glass and starring Kristen Stewart, Dave Franco, and Katy O’Brian. The pulpy thriller tells the...
Dune fans have been eagerly awaiting details on the rollout of the hotly anticipated sequel ever since Dune: Part Two was confirmed back in October 2021...