Cleopatra, the legendary Queen of Egypt, is coming to the big screen in an exciting new movie titled 21st Century Cleo. This highly-anticipated film promises to...
All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt is an upcoming American drama film directed by Raven Jackson that is set to release in theaters on November 3,...
Animal Crossing Christmas Festival: The Movie! is an upcoming animated film based on the popular Animal Crossing video game franchise. Set for release on December 1,...
The much-anticipated religious drama God of Heaven and Earth is set to release in theaters across the globe throughout 2023. Here’s a rundown of the confirmed...
Godzilla Minus One is an upcoming Japanese monster film directed and written by Takashi Yamazaki. Set in post-World War II Japan, this Toho Studios production promises...
The highly anticipated Five Nights at Freddy’s movie is almost here! As a casual gamer and fan of the popular horror video game series, I’ve been...
Miracle in East Texas tells the remarkable true story of two aging con men who accidentally struck oil while running a scam in 1930s Texas. After...
Full Circle is an upcoming limited TV mini-series created by Ed Solomon and directed by Steven Soderbergh. With a star-studded cast and intriguing premise, viewers around...
The controversial documentary F.U. (Fentanyl Unlimited) is scheduled to open in theaters across North America and in select international markets starting in October 2023. F.U. examines...
After Death is an upcoming supernatural thriller film directed by Mike Flanagan that is set to be released in theaters on October 27, 2023. Here’s a...